Monday, December 22, 2008


Okay so I didn't blog over the weekend. Don't kill me yet I have very good reasons as to why I didn't blog. Well my reason for it was because....I forgot. Yep there we go I simply forgot. It was already 12 AM when I remembered on sunday that I didn't blog on saturday so I decided aww man oh well. I was going to blog yesterday I really was, but the thing is I forgot. I had to do my research paper and proceeded to play TR with Chi since Chi > Blogging. Oh so I'm in a conference with Alin and Rhia and the word lullaby came out. Well Alin was randomly 'singing' and then it was a lullaby so I now decide to post my newfound knowledge of where the word Lullaby came from. It leads to religious beliefs and as some of you may or may not know Eve wasn't really Adam's first wife. It was a woman named Lillith. Lillith was made by God, and not from Adam's rib as Eve was. Eve was basically property of Adam because she was formed from his rib. Anyways back to Lillith. Lillith was apparently doing the dirty with Adam and she said she wanted the missionary position or something like that. I am being completely serious. I saw it on the history channel. Anyways it was something like that and they had this argument. Because of this Lillith became evil and started being with demons and such. At night Lillith was apparently kidnaping babies and children. Because of this the people put out papers saying " Lill Abi". I think that's how it was spelled not sure. Anyways because of this "Lill Abi" it was able to put babies to sleep safely at night. So you don't need to be a genius to find out that soon the word 'Lullaby' was formed. Oh, basically Lill Abi means something like Lillith go away. So by singing a lullaby to a baby it is able to protect them from Lillith. So there's my post for today. Oh did I mention my Ipod Lives? IT LIVESSS :3.


Chi said...

....i really didn't read after reading Lillith. butr yay for chi> blog?

Alin Linderman said...

Etymology: obsolete English lulla, interjection used to lull a child (from Middle English) + bye, interjection used to lull a child, from Middle English by

I'll stick with that etymology sacred.

Chi said...

yeah that sounds right. to lull..sacred made chi doubt her literature that she hardly pays attention to. Dx

Anonymous said...

Okies, It's just interesting though how I heard that on the history channel as well though. o.o Words are formed oddly :/

Lol the word verification was banano, just one letter away from banana :/

Chi said...

banano? ...i want a banana now