Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Anyone recognize this number? Someone called me around 3 am-ish and I didn't pay much attention till I got bored and decided to google it. A few people have been called by that number and they don't recognize it as well. Some even kept getting repeated calls from the number. Darn, If only I remember what the person said. It sounded like a girl. I'm sure of that. She/He? was asking for someone. I said wrong number and the person hung up. I put my phone on silent and proceeded to sleep. Odd.

EDIT: It's china. Well according to this person it is at least.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Conficker Worm

Be careful to not get it ><. I r going to scan my compy though I'm sure I don't have it. Hmm I might not scan. Dunno.