Monday, December 29, 2008


Alright so today I had the most...unexpected dream. I dreamt I went out with Chi. I was like o.o that's weird when I woke up. So yeah for some reason she was in my school and we were going out. Now to proceed to my second 'dream'. It was around 9 AM. I remember thinking whether I was awake or asleep. I remember that I was in my chemistry class and wondering whether it was a dream. I actually told myself it's a dream and then said what should I do? Should I wake up or go back into dream mode? I went back into dream mode. The dream was pretty funny considering that like my teacher was dancing! xD It was just so funny looking at that and then I started to record just like some of my other classmates did and then my video didn't save. The dream seemed so realistic and I thought I was back in school till I woke up. Then I remembered I was still in vacation and don't have to deal with the stress from exams. Yay for vacation.


Alright for this one I'll just post the conversation between me and Chi since I told her about the dream I had because she usually gets to know about my posts before everyone else and I sorta forgot it now so yeah.

Chitari sama (2008-12-28 10:30): o.o.....
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:30): i was like wth o_o
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:30): because i remember
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:30): it started
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:30): when i was walking down this street
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:31): and like i saw someone
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:31): lifting
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:31): 1k pound weight
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:31): and i was like
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:31): zomg that's amazing
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:31): and for some reason he didn't like me and like
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:31): started to attack me
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:31): i dodged the first punch
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:31): but he connected with the second and then i punched him back
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:31): and he was like
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:31): wtf that hurt
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:31): and then like
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:32): i started punching more and i tried to drop him to the floor
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:32): but that failed
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:32): so then like i ran to the corner of the street
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:32): and one of his friends
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:32): was there
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:32): with a needle
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:32): so
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:32): like the friend
Chitari sama (2008-12-28 10:32): xP interesting dream
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:32): tried to stabbed me with it
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:32): but he couldn't
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:32): so i ran to th emiddle
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:33): of the street
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:33): like where the cars were and such
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:33): and he followed me
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:33): and there
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:33): i grabbed his hand and knocked the needle off his hand
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:33): and gave him a headbutt and knocked him out
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:33): and then the other guy came
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:33): with a needle was well
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:33): and like
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:33): there was a struggle
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:33): and i got the needle and i stabbed him with it
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:34): and like
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:34): after that
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:34): i went
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:34): to go look for a job
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:34): xD
Chitari sama (2008-12-28 10:34): lol
Chitari sama (2008-12-28 10:34): all that and you look for a job?
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:34): xD
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:34): yeah xD
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:35): but there was a different dream i also had last night
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:35): which was quite creepy o.o
Chitari sama (2008-12-28 10:35): o.o
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:35): but i think i dreamt of it before
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:35): dunno
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:35): it seemed familiar
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:35): alright
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:35): like
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:35): there was
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:35): this giant person or something
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:35): dunno
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:35): in this room
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:35): seemed like a dungeon
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:35): and there were a bunch of us
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:35): like regular sized people
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:35): and anyways
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:35): we had to try and kill it
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:36): so like
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:36): around the room
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:36): there were scattered things
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:36): like
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:36): bazoookas
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:36): and etc
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:36): and like
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:36): on the top of the room
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:36): there were like 3 things
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:36): ( im going to assume then since it were what killed the thing sorta)
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:36): there was this ress thing
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:36): this shrinking thing
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:36): and some huge cannon
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:37): but you had to climb to get it
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:37): oh and for some reason
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:37): some of us had powers
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:37): i had like
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:37): you know the thing ness does
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:37): tk blast or something
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:37): it's up B
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:37): xD
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:37): no no
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:37): it's just pressing B
Chitari sama (2008-12-28 10:37): xP
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:37): so i had that
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:37): and like
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:37): I used it on him
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:37): oh oh
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:37): i forgot to say that
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:37): xD
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:37): uhm
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:37): like
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:38): there were these hiding spots
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:38): were you could go
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:38): in case the thing spotted you
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:38): so like
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:38): we were all attacking him
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:38): and alot of people died
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:38): till there were like 3 of us left
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:38): so like
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:38): i used the move
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:38): and he spotted me
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:38): but then i hid
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:38): so i was okay
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:38): and i continued to do that
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:38): until i couldn't hide
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:38): and like
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:38): i got keeled
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:39): but remember that ress thing?
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:39): yeah
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:39): i revived xD
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:39): and like someone used the huge cannon
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:39): and then they shrunk him
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:39): and he landed next to me
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:39): and i cracked his neck
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:39): o.o
Chitari sama (2008-12-28 10:39): sacred has violent dreams...
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:39): xD
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:39): it was interesting....
Sacred (2008-12-28 10:39): >.>;

So yeah there it is.


Okay so I've been too lazy to blog over the weekend and wasn't planning on blogging today, but Chi's making me. This is the post meant for Saturday. Okay so "today" I went to my uncle's house in New Jersey. My mom woke me up around 7:30 which is pretty early for me and then I showered and ate and left like at 8:15. From there me and my mom went to take the metro north train to fordham. After that we took the #12 bus for like 4 stops then switched to the # 3 bus. Then we took that to like the last stop and took a different bus heading towards New Jersey. All of this too around 2 hours- 2 hours and a half. Well when we got there we said our greetings and whatnot and then we decided to go to stores like Wal-Mart and a different one called Sam's club. In Sam's club we bought a few things and blah blah blah. Then we went to Wal-Mart and ate McDonald's and I saw this woman who had like the biggest fake boobs I have seen ~_~. I lol'ed at that. So then we left. On the way going back home I was falling asleep on the car [since my uncle was driving us back to the bus station] and like I remember my uncle honking which startled me a bit then I see this drunk guy going in the middle of the street and my mom starts screaming at him and I got scurred. I was like wtf. Here I was all calm and about to go to sleep to be awakened by some stupid drunk guy -_-. Well we simply drove past him and I proceeded to my sleep-like state. That was my day on Saturday.

Friday, December 26, 2008


Okay so the first 5-6 hours of my day I spent doing homework. I finished that so I can now relax the rest of my vacation. After that I cooked, I ate and began TR'ing. After I finished doing that and having fun with Chi there we had to go. But of course since I never leave I proceeded to the TR forums. Once there I proceeded to post the song I did and spent like 10-20 minutes deciphering as to how I put a URL into words. It wasn't the HREF thingy it was different and then I finally figured it out and I submitted my post. After that I noticed how bland my post looked considering I had no avatar or a siggy. So now I'm stuck figuring out how to put a avatar. They only let me select pre-made ones and I can't browse to put my avi! So that's my day in a nutshell.

Thursday, December 25, 2008


MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!! Alright so for my presents I got this long sleeve black shirt which is kewl and a black jacket. I also got a pack of undershirts and some jeans. Yay for that~ So basically I tr'ed all day and watched a movie called traitor. I don't have much to say so I'll just end it here. Oh and since I didn't post a youtube embed lately, here it is!
NOTE: THERE IS A LOT OF CURSING (This is mainly for Alin and his sensitive ears)

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas Eve

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVEE!!! I almost forgot to post today! So today was interesting sort of. I bought a pyro and x-mas set on tr....talked for like 2 hours with mom and that was interesting. Well I have to go now so I'll just end this here! Merry X-mas Eve everybody! <:

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


YAY! So I finally get my vacation. Today was okay I guess. I'm sure I failed my chemistry quiz again, but bleh. I got a 102 on my Italian quiz and we watched a movie called " Io Non Ho Paura" which basically means " I'm not scared". It's this thriller movie. It's pretty decent. Afterwards I had photography and instead of developing my negatives like I had originally planned too, we watched ratatouille. Well I'm going to go finish it now since I have it downloaded. So yeah yay for no school for like a good 10 days or so. I plan to do my homework one of these days stupid geometry. That ***** can't leave us alone can she? Anyways off to downloading RoM and watching Ratatouille. There seems to be something I was going to say, but I forgot. Hell I'm lucky enough to just remember to post. OH! I just remembered! I sucked today at talesrunner. I seriously think the game hated me today. I remember running in a item game and I just fall out of nowhere. I completely missed the boulder and there was no chicken. Of course I happened to fall just as a roller came by in the Lizard Crisis map. So Talesrunner hates me. I shall end my post here!

Monday, December 22, 2008


Okay so I didn't blog over the weekend. Don't kill me yet I have very good reasons as to why I didn't blog. Well my reason for it was because....I forgot. Yep there we go I simply forgot. It was already 12 AM when I remembered on sunday that I didn't blog on saturday so I decided aww man oh well. I was going to blog yesterday I really was, but the thing is I forgot. I had to do my research paper and proceeded to play TR with Chi since Chi > Blogging. Oh so I'm in a conference with Alin and Rhia and the word lullaby came out. Well Alin was randomly 'singing' and then it was a lullaby so I now decide to post my newfound knowledge of where the word Lullaby came from. It leads to religious beliefs and as some of you may or may not know Eve wasn't really Adam's first wife. It was a woman named Lillith. Lillith was made by God, and not from Adam's rib as Eve was. Eve was basically property of Adam because she was formed from his rib. Anyways back to Lillith. Lillith was apparently doing the dirty with Adam and she said she wanted the missionary position or something like that. I am being completely serious. I saw it on the history channel. Anyways it was something like that and they had this argument. Because of this Lillith became evil and started being with demons and such. At night Lillith was apparently kidnaping babies and children. Because of this the people put out papers saying " Lill Abi". I think that's how it was spelled not sure. Anyways because of this "Lill Abi" it was able to put babies to sleep safely at night. So you don't need to be a genius to find out that soon the word 'Lullaby' was formed. Oh, basically Lill Abi means something like Lillith go away. So by singing a lullaby to a baby it is able to protect them from Lillith. So there's my post for today. Oh did I mention my Ipod Lives? IT LIVESSS :3.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow Day!

Yay~ I have a snow day today! It's funny because it was supposed to start snowing about 2 hours ago and it was supposed to be this storm and whatnot and still no snow! Woot~ Yep I just checked again and no snow. Oh in yesterday's post I forgot to mention that in gym class we had to do this pacer test. The average one to show that your 'healthy' is 51 for males. Like for the pacer test we have to run across the gym back and forth and each one counts as one. Like for example if I run toward the front of the gym that's one, go to the back that's 2 and so forth. We had to listen to this thing that had this beep and when we heard that beep we had to run. It gets tiring because we have to go faster and faster as the beeps come faster and faster. The first time I took this test I did 46. Now this time I did 55! Or 65! One of those. I don't really know because my friend claimed he lost count I think or something like that. I think it's 55 though because I remember resting at 55. So yeah it was fun and I'm healthy! Unlike how Alin thinks im some fat person like him! xD J/k. So what else was I going to say? Oh right, my Ipod still refuses to work! Darn Ipod.


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Stupid Ipod.

Stupid Ipod. Okay so most people should know that my life revolves around music <3. Well not really but I'm like always listening to something in school. Well not always, but I do during study hall, walking between classes and lunch. Also when I'm walking to the bus stop to take the bus school. So today after 8th period I proceeded to turn on my Ipod. Since I always put it on hold and when I take it off of hold it just turns on. Today that didn't happen. My first reaction was " how odd" so then I decided to press pause/play to turn it on. That didn't work. I was like wth D:. I kept trying this, gave it a few punches and it still didn't work ;_;. Well fine I lied about the punches. So then I thought it might just need time, but after 9th period, my last class of the day it still refused to turn on! I was upset ;_;. I thought I might need to plug it in to the computer but that didn't work! I tried resetting, but it was just no use! Can anyone tell me what else I might be able to do? ;_;
P.S. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AYLIE :D (Even though I know you don't read my blogs)
P.P.S. Alin still sux.
EDIT: Chi pwns <3
EDIT #2: This song pwns as well from IOSYS. Knives Are Enough- The Gatekeeper Chapter

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Okay so today for some reason I've been feeling sad-ish. It started after first period I think and like I somewhat isolated myself from everyone else, but I usually do that and end up reading at the library. The library is like my haven. I always go there to relax, do my homework and such. So during lunch we had this thing where all clubs sold food and I bought a Canoli from the Italian Club i'm in. It was funny because my global teacher ( I forgot he was one of the club leaders for another one), who is also one of my favorite teachers told me "Oh your going to buy from them and not us?" and I proceeded to tell him that I only had 25 cents and he said go buy a cookie. So that's just what I did. The cookie was good it was sweet-ish and somewhat salty-ish but the salty-ish taste made it taste better. Anyways because of all of this happening I couldn't enter the library like I had originally planned to and had to proceed to my 'friends'. So after them finally doing all of their shenanigans the bell rang and I proceeded to class. Oh I also ate some sushi which my friend gave me and now im craving for more. So overall today sucked, yesterday sucked and my weekend sucked. Yay for bad things? o-o . Oh, I think the reason why I suddenly felt sad is because I'm always suppresing my feelings and stuff like that. Bad feelings! Stay suppresed!

P.S. Alin sux >:]

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


As some people should know by now, on Tuesdays I have Martial Arts club. Well it tired me out so much. I had no lunch so that added more to the effect of the tired-ness after club was over. We re-learned some things we learned in the beginning but were new to the new people that came late to the club. So after we did this, we started our rounds sorta early-ish. We did 4, 4 minute rounds. If any of you saw UFC it's something like that, but we don't go all out. We do what we learned only and stuff like that. Also, if you've been in one of these rounds you should know how much one tires you, nevertheless 4 in a row. So I managed to get one guy tap out where I lost several times. Fine I lost alot. Not my fault i'm not pretty light and not 'heavy' i can say unlike how many of them are. Well not many just about...3. Yeah three. No wait 4. And I went against 3 of these 'heavy' guys. Now that I think about it how many rounds did I do? 5? Yeah 5. Wow that was tiring. So having no lunch and doing 5 rounds is something you should not do. I felt like throwing up afterwards and my eyes were bulging. Well it felt like it at least. I felt light headed as well and did not feel the very cold weather when I went outside wearing my short sleeve shirt unlike a few of my friends who said " how are you not cold?!!" to me. So then I got home and had to clean the bathroom and then I showered, ate did my hw and am doing this. Oh, Chi yeah I told you all of this, but your awesome like that and get to know things beforehand ;D.

Monday, December 15, 2008


Alright so I nearly forgot to blog again! If I forget then Alin forgets! This would mean no reading blogs for one day! Oops...Mom just came in room and reminded me that I forgot to clean the bathroom. I guess i'll do it tomorrow when I get home. Dangit I have club tommorow! I will be sore when I clean it! Oh well...that's what I get I guess...So I ate ramen and it was quite tasty. I just remembered I forgot to watch Heroes ~_~. Sheesh I'm forgetting everything aren't I? At least I remembered to charge my Ipod. If I didn't then my battery would be dead tommorow ;_;. I listen to music like all day basically. Alright what else to say...Oh right. Here's the new song I'm addicted too.

Chao~ ( Stole Chi's word <3)

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Alright so here's the post for today I guess. I almost forgot to post today and if I did then....then....dunno. Which reminds me.... I FORGOT TO CHARGE MY IPOD. DANGIT!! ><><. I should be used to the work that the holidays bring in by now. Well I really don't know what to say right now. I'm not full of ideas like Alin is and I guess this is why my posts are always boring. So I think I have a canker sore. It's irritating me ~_~. Let's see...what to say what to say. Oh, I cooked today! Well sort of. My mom prepared some chicken and she told me to cook it so she can eat when she gets home. Of course she brought food since she didn't expect me to cook. Anyways it was quite good :>. So I was watching anime, gaming and sleeping..the usual. I guess i'll end this here to prevent further boredom.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Cloudier Sky

Cloudier Sky - Ayane

shizukasugita keshiki ni  ochite yuku yume to ka
tatta hitotsu kikoeru ano hi no koe ga

yagate tsuki wa kumo ni kakureru tatoe sore ga kurakute mo
kimi no nukumori, kanjita nara mou mayoubeki mo naku

ai naru sora e monoomou koso kegare naki akashi to nari
taisetsu na dareka omoi ima, michibikare
sagashitsuzuketa kotae no tame ni donna itami mo itowazu
hateshinai yume wo kizamu you ni to chikatta

sora no iro ga aosa wo torimodosu koro ni wa
kitto yoru no yami kara samenaku natte

yagate koe sae mo denai hodo tatoe sore ga tsurakute mo
ano hi no egao, kimi no hitomi wo kono mune ni kanjitara

ikusen no toki, yuukyuu no kaze kimi no tame ni koerareru
yobisamase tomo no negai ima, michibikare
kuchi mo senu kage sore demo kitto asu wo kanjirareru nara
wazuka na kagayaki kienu you ni to shinjita

unmei no hoshi, mugen no mirai soko ni aru atarashii kaze
hidamari no you ni yasashiku ima, hohoenda

ai naru sora e monoomou koso kegare naki akashi to nari
taisetsu na dareka omoi ima, michibikare
sagashitsuzuketa kotae no tame ni donna itami mo itowazu

hateshinai yume wo kizamu you ni to chikatta

English Translation anyone?

Friday, December 12, 2008


Haha, and here I was thinking I had no idea on what to write about. I was just staring at this screen blankly and asking my friend on what I should write about. Of course she did not help me at all since she fails like that I guess. Anyways I came upon this when I read on the bottom "Labels for this post: e.g. scooters,vacation, fall. I guess it was to help people for names. Hmm, what is the white box in the bottom for then? Oh the labels, duh. Alright anyways let me continue with my story. When I was younger I remember my father bought me my first scooter. I was so happy and I asked my father if we can go to park. He agreed. When we got there, however, some random kid I did not really know asked if he can ride the scooter. I obviously said no, but my father thought I knew him. He never came back with my scooter. It was one of those " What the ****" moments. This was censored for Alin's behalf. Anyways after my father let us get robbed I was mad at him that someone stole my brand new scooter. We bought another one. I barely rode it now. I think it was that I was riding a scooter one certain summer afternoon when this certain incident happened. Before where I used to live, across the street was like this small triangle park. I was racing with my friend when I accidently slipped off the scooter and landed on my knees. I was wearing shorts and the summer sun made the concrete that much harder. I was a bloody mess on my knees. I remember crying bloody murder when my parents put on the alcohol thingy on me so it can be cleaned. I think this was why I stopped riding my scooter.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


New York weather is weird. Yes WEIRD and not WIERD as you say is Alin. Anyways on Monday and Tuesday it was extremely cold which made me put on a coat. I personally say I look like a fat kid who just had a meal and has shockingly thing legs compared to the body type person when I wear this coat. Yay for it being early in the morning when I walked to school. Alright so like I said it was freezing. Yesterday, however, there was a huge change. It actually felt warm. Well warm to me since I am a new yorker. To someone in say florida it might be freezing. Who knows, I don't know anyone from Florida. Well I do but he probably doesn't remember me. The last time we talked was in like 3rd grade, but then he moved to Tampa. Anyways despite the warm-ish feel to yesterday it was also raining. I'm guessing that warmish feel was the humidity. Today I wake up to the rain once again and it is cold..once again. Seriously weather make up your mind -_-. I hope it's at least sunny tommorow! Or snow! ooh I want snow!
EDIT: LOL I posted this in my story blog first! xD! Anyways here it is in the right blog now.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Bad mood.

Today wasn't really that bad, but for me it was one of those days where I just spend the whole day thinking about different things and whatnot. Overall today was really boring. For some reason it also left me feeling in this certain mood. This certain mood is not a good one. I've felt it once before and it was when my cousin's really aggravated me. I was kicking their things and pulling my hair so yeah it was not a good feeling. I was getting close to this mood. I really don't know why. I try to find explanations things different rationalities, but there are times where I just cannot find that fucking answer. It pisses me off when people act differently or say things but don't mean it. Perhaps this is why it's really hard for me to trust people. I've just been fucked over too many times I guess. This feels like a rant for me even though it really isn't. I don't feel like blogging anymore before I start talking more about myself and people start asking me questions that I will refuse to answer. Like I said... It's hard for me to trust people.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Oh Em Gee. Could it be a second post in one day?! Yes it is. Alright here's the deal. For some reason I'm in the mood for story writing. Different stories and not just one long one. Who knows I might do that as well. Anyways I need ideas. Go go go~


Here I am posting again even though I was not really planning to blog. Yes I know it's only been 2 days and already getting bored. Amazing isn't it? I guess I'm not that committed. Alright so my failure started last night right before I went to bed. I was cold and I went on to find my Pikachu blanket which I had since I was a child. I did not find and still cannot find it. I was cold all night. Well not that cold, but cold enough. This morning was boring and the day was boring. After school I have Martial Arts club. I felt that I learned less than in the previous lessons our teacher taught us. Maybe because I had to share a partner. Not fair. So after we finish practicing the moves we have to do rounds. I lost all rounds =.=. Maybe because the people I went against were nearly twice my size, but meh. Oh did you know i'm nicknamed Desperado in the club? No? Well now you do. AHA! LOOK AT WHAT ALIN SAID! HE DOES MAKE HIS POSTS BORING PURPOSELY!

Sacred: ~_~
ayn16lenne: I meant...reading and such
Sacred: lol k
ayn16lenne: -posts one sentence-

Bad Alin! Shame on you!

EDIT: Alin says I'm lying but here it is with time stamps!And even more of it!
ayn16lenne (2008-12-09 18:01): so now what to do
Sacred (2008-12-09 18:01): did you post?!
Sacred (2008-12-09 18:01): no
Sacred (2008-12-09 18:01): o-o
ayn16lenne (2008-12-09 18:01):
Sacred (2008-12-09 18:01): MAKE IT INTERESTING
Sacred (2008-12-09 18:01): ~_~
ayn16lenne (2008-12-09 18:01): I meant...reading and such
ayn16lenne (2008-12-09 18:01):
Sacred (2008-12-09 18:01): lol k
ayn16lenne (2008-12-09 18:01): -posts one sentence-
Sacred (2008-12-09 18:03): ..posted
ayn16lenne (2008-12-09 18:09): posted as well

Monday, December 8, 2008


Alright so like I said I would try and make this a daily thing here is my post for the day. I was sick all day. Well not really that sick, but it was hard to breathe considering I had a stuffed nose. Did I mention how much today sucked as well? Well it sucked. First I had study hall which was probably the best part of the day considering I got to see my friend Jennifer and she's fun to talk with. After that I had chemistry. I got a 60 on my quiz. That sucked. Afterward we finished a lab which was just answering the remaining questions. After that I had Italian in which I received a 103 on my quiz so yay for that. Then came English. We had to work on this essay which I already finished, but forgot to email to myself so did nothing for that period. My lunch consisted of me eating( SEE RHIA I ATE HAPPY!?) then going to the library and cramming for my upcoming global quiz 8th period. After lunch I had geometry in which I received a 63 on my test and a 60 on project. I cannot believe I am doing so bad. So then came global in which I most likely passed the quiz. We also did a reading and like after the teacher asked us for our opinions only a few people raised their hands, but not enough. Then he asked for my opinion even though I did not raise my hand and of course everyone looked at me considering i'm probably the smartest one in that class ~_~. No really alot of people got low scores on that class and I was one of the few with an A. So after that I had health which was boring-ish. Yes i said Ish alin. I stole your word! Anyways that's my summary for the day and I know it was boring, but Alin's is getting boring as well so it's okay.
EDIT: I updated my playlist.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


It's been such a long time since I have posted on here. For some reason I felt like posting right now. I've actually been meaning to post before like on Black Friday I think. Well I forgot what I was going to say so I'll just post this random thing right now. I'm doing an English essay for English class obviously. I was bored and then I decided to post this random thing right now. I might make this a daily thing if I remember and just post about my day if something good happened. If not I'll just post random things again. I'll probably just do this to accompany Alin who has complained about no one else blogging a month ago or so. Which reminds me of a conversation I had with him today on Yahoo Instant Messenger. I was being a ninja in offline mode when I decided to PM him. His response was unusual. Let me find it right now.
Sacred (2008-12-07 17:03): g'morning
ayn16lenne (2008-12-07 17:04): -you're a figment of my imagination-
ayn16lenne (2008-12-07 17:04): -you're not really here-
Sacred (2008-12-07 17:04): kewl
Sacred (2008-12-07 17:04): and why would that be?
ayn16lenne (2008-12-07 17:04): -you're offline, I will not talk to myself-
ayn16lenne (2008-12-07 17:04): -I'm not that crazy-
Sacred (2008-12-07 17:04): so..
ayn16lenne (2008-12-07 17:05): -so go away myself-
Sacred (2008-12-07 17:05): hey
Sacred (2008-12-07 17:05): im here
Sacred (2008-12-07 17:05): ah you changed avi again
ayn16lenne (2008-12-07 17:05): -I'm not hearing this-
Sacred (2008-12-07 17:05): hearing?
Sacred (2008-12-07 17:05): of course not
Sacred (2008-12-07 17:05): your reading
ayn16lenne (2008-12-07 17:05): -lalalalala-
Yay for message archives? That was a funny conversation for me. It went on from me switching to on and offline modes and playing around with his head. That was fun. Oh, I guess I should also post how I have SSBB. For those who don't know it means Super Smash Brothers Brawl. It is quite fun and I am only 30% away from finishing the story. I should go play the actual "brawl" sometime. It is a fun game. I guess I posted enough for today. I shall see if I post again tommorow. Now to continue writing my essay.