Monday, December 15, 2008


Alright so I nearly forgot to blog again! If I forget then Alin forgets! This would mean no reading blogs for one day! Oops...Mom just came in room and reminded me that I forgot to clean the bathroom. I guess i'll do it tomorrow when I get home. Dangit I have club tommorow! I will be sore when I clean it! Oh well...that's what I get I guess...So I ate ramen and it was quite tasty. I just remembered I forgot to watch Heroes ~_~. Sheesh I'm forgetting everything aren't I? At least I remembered to charge my Ipod. If I didn't then my battery would be dead tommorow ;_;. I listen to music like all day basically. Alright what else to say...Oh right. Here's the new song I'm addicted too.

Chao~ ( Stole Chi's word <3)


Chi said...

eh, chi is always forgetful. >< my word!

Alin Linderman said...

youre forgetting would not mean my forgetting. I posted over 100 times without your reminder, so no, you're not needed as my reminder. I really should go post now though. Alright, onward to that then.