Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow Day!

Yay~ I have a snow day today! It's funny because it was supposed to start snowing about 2 hours ago and it was supposed to be this storm and whatnot and still no snow! Woot~ Yep I just checked again and no snow. Oh in yesterday's post I forgot to mention that in gym class we had to do this pacer test. The average one to show that your 'healthy' is 51 for males. Like for the pacer test we have to run across the gym back and forth and each one counts as one. Like for example if I run toward the front of the gym that's one, go to the back that's 2 and so forth. We had to listen to this thing that had this beep and when we heard that beep we had to run. It gets tiring because we have to go faster and faster as the beeps come faster and faster. The first time I took this test I did 46. Now this time I did 55! Or 65! One of those. I don't really know because my friend claimed he lost count I think or something like that. I think it's 55 though because I remember resting at 55. So yeah it was fun and I'm healthy! Unlike how Alin thinks im some fat person like him! xD J/k. So what else was I going to say? Oh right, my Ipod still refuses to work! Darn Ipod.



Chi said...

...poor hamster

Alin Linderman said...

Wierd test. Yay for our major P.E. test just being a mile. That was always easy.

Chi said...

xD yes our mile test. just have to make it by 14 min i believe. very easy ;D

Anonymous said...

lucky you >>. One time for gym we had to run outside in the track for like 20 minutes. I think I went for almost 2 miles... so tiring...