Friday, December 26, 2008


Okay so the first 5-6 hours of my day I spent doing homework. I finished that so I can now relax the rest of my vacation. After that I cooked, I ate and began TR'ing. After I finished doing that and having fun with Chi there we had to go. But of course since I never leave I proceeded to the TR forums. Once there I proceeded to post the song I did and spent like 10-20 minutes deciphering as to how I put a URL into words. It wasn't the HREF thingy it was different and then I finally figured it out and I submitted my post. After that I noticed how bland my post looked considering I had no avatar or a siggy. So now I'm stuck figuring out how to put a avatar. They only let me select pre-made ones and I can't browse to put my avi! So that's my day in a nutshell.


Chi said...

xD i couldn't figure out how to put a avi either.

Alin Linderman said...

I haven't bothered.