Saturday, September 20, 2008

Scratch Stickers

Okay, everyone should know what scratch stickers are. When we were in elementary school we used to get these all the time when we did good on a quiz or a test. Some smelled awesome like strawberries and some made you hungry like the smell of popcorn. It's funny because schools do this and yet people wonder how kids become dope addicts. In elementary school it's scratch stickers and in middle school we upgrade.... to markers and white outs. Ahh, isn't that an appealing smell? Well to some kids are. You can tell it too when they seem out of it. Then comes high school. "Don't do drugs mkay?" " Drugs are bad mkay?" . Geez adults should know by now that saying that to a teen is like telling them to do it because most turn rebellious.. Scratch stickers are bad now that I think about it. Doesn't surprise me anymore that kids start doing drugs before they hit 10 nowadays.


Kathy said...

WHAT?! I LOVE SCRATCH STICKERS!!!! WTH YOU DON'T GET HIGH OFF OF SCRATCH STICKERS >.> they show that yus got a 100 on your quiz =3

Alin Linderman said...

I assume this is your personal story from scratch stickers to drugs.