Monday, March 16, 2009

Alin wants me ded.

Chitari sama: sacred was killed
Chitari sama: chi flew to NY and shot him
Chitari sama: she then took his computer
Chitari sama: on her way home...she got tired of carrying it though
Chitari sama: so she just left it in the street
Chitari sama: and some random hobo took it for some weird reason
Chitari sama: when chi reached the hotel
Chitari sama: she remembered she still had the gun
Chitari sama: so just threw it in the trash cause she's crazy like that
Sacred: xDD
Sacred: and alin found the gun
Sacred: and picked it up
Chitari sama: shhhh
Sacred: and then
Chitari sama: fine..looks llike I can't leave it there
Sacred: the cops came and saw alin with the gun
Chitari sama: sooo
Chitari sama: she then went to the hershey's buiilding
Sacred: so they shot him because it seemed like alin was going to shoot them
Chitari sama: and played with the cranky
Sacred: o.o
Sacred: D
Sacred: xD
Chitari sama: and bought alin some souvenirs
Chitari sama: she then went home to CA
Sacred: xD
Chitari sama: Alin never noticed sacred never logging on though
Chitari sama: until a month later when Rhia told him
Chitari sama: Alin didn't stop playing TR anyway
Sacred: xD
Chitari sama: Chi started to confess randomly one night
Sacred: Until his ear infection worsened
Sacred: o.o
Chitari sama: and Alin threw her a party
Chitari sama: There was lots of Hershey's at the party
Then the president of hershey's came
Chitari sama: and congratulated us
Chitari sama: apparently Sacred was stealing hjershey's
Chitari sama: so we saved him moneys
Chitari sama: as a reward
Chitari sama: we got to ride in the hershey-mobile
Chitari sama: it was fun

Alin was on chi's account.


Chi said...

lol....he threw a party for me killing you....

Alin Linderman said...

It was not a party celebrating his was a party celebrating chi's first step to recovery...her confession. I gain nothing from Sacred dying, wheres if Chi confesses, I gain invaluable comp time cause she'd be sent to either jaily or a crazy ward. Or, I wouldn't reveal her dastardly secret and I can feel like I'm involved in Higurashi-ness again. I can then hold it over her and send her to kill others, saying stuff like, "You already did it before, this should be easy." She'd then be sent across the world as my own personal Ryuk. I'll even feed her apples.

Chi said...

xD Ryuk...i do like apples...T_T alin doesn't care if i leave somewhere and not come back. all he cares about is the compy. -sits in a corner-

Alin Linderman said...

Chi forgets that Alin does so well on his own. Who needs others when I can talk to myself. Noone can beat my own interestingness.

Chi said...

owo -sits in corner- fine, i'll just sit here by myself.

lol..great word verification: maerawp