Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Alin guess what. You finally missed a day. Chi told me not to tell you, but I can't resist. I've been waiting for this and you finally missed a day! Of course you might probably say it was intentional or simply hax blogspot and change the date and say it never happened like usual. Oh I should go take a screenshot of it. Yeah. Brb. Eeek that's a big image. Anyways there it is. Lol @ Alin <:. Oh and yay finally a new post I guess.

EDIT: Click on it to see the full image.


Chi said...

xDD sacred needs to blog more.
and now everyone knows that he missed a few days of blogging!

Alin Linderman said...

I know not of what you speak Sacred. Why oh why would you photoshop something as insignificant as that? Next time aim bigger.