Friday, January 30, 2009


Do you remember when Alky used to post? Well if you don't go check her blog because this is a very very late reponse to one of the comments left on one of Alky's posts. Alky blogged about Chi[was her last post so far btw] and Chi left a comment saying she would like to see what I would write about her so she can compare. So here it is one whole post dedicated to the awesomeness known as Chi. So I'm basically going to rip off from Alky's post and say what she said about Chi's cute personality and 'she's short which makes her cooler'. Yes it does because it means that I'm most likely taller 8D. So yeah how long have I known you Chi..? 3 years? Yeah that makes sense. I can still remember her killing the nyannyangs slowly in Flaris with her yo-yo's and then I partied her and that just led to a friendship that we still have till today. Ah according to Alky's blog she didn't know Chi's real name ...LINDA. Muahaha. Oh how funny Alky claimed Chi would make her stay blogging but Alky stopped blogging after that post. Okay now I'm just talking about Alky and not Chi. So yeah Chi's awesome though she'll deny it like usual. Just like how she's always denying that she fails even though she pwns because she can pwn me at tr and I would be useless in fiesta without her. What else can I say about Chi? Ah innocent. Yes another thing taken from Alky's blog. Chi's innocence shall not be tainted. Me and Mae discussed about this before I believe. So yeah Chi's awesome, she pwns, innocent and other good positive traits. K now go compare this fail post to Alky's better one. Time to prepare to sleep deprive myself since I shall be with Chi till late at night tonight since I wasn't on much this week.

1 comment:

Chi said...

lol. so i'm innocent? wah i've failed to keep alky continue blogging. Dx see i do fail.. Dx