Sunday, May 9, 2010

le gasp pt 2

So here I am being forced against by Linnea to write this obligatory post. Now you see its not that I forgot about this blog over the course of April, its I did forget. I can't believe I haven't posted since March. Then again there was a huge gap from the time I posted before February. Its not my fault I have classes that like to give me a lot of work, and that I'm a master at the art of procrastination. You see, as we speak [well not really speak, more like you reading these words and that voice in your head hearing me out so listening really] I am procrastinating. I have this gym project...wait what? Gym project? YES A FREAKING GYM PROJECT. I have to write some newspaper-like article portraying what I have learned thus far in my class. I am in a gym class called "Project Adventure" in which teamwork is needed or something. I'm just bs-ing like always but this is such a hassle. I'd rather watch Anime. You see, I've recently began watching "Chaos;Head" which is quite interesting and I saw the first episode for "Angel Beats" which was so amusing that it took a bunch of willpower to not click "next episode." Oh I'll definitely watch you soon. So as I was saying at the beginning of those post, Linnea is holding me against my will! Well no, I'm simply lying and over-exaggerating things again because its so much fun to do so. We agreed that we will provide more attention to our attention-needing, lonely blogs. Don't worry blog, I'll do my best to not forget you! Well I probably will anyways but thats to be expected isn't it? I don't really know what else to say for now, and seeing that I need to finish my project, I will leave it here. Until next time~

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